The Photo Nights Boston Festival

Imagine walking down the streets of downtown Boston on a crisp fall day. The sun sets, and all around you, one by one, the buildings spring to life. Only it’s not office lamps lighting up the skyline. It’s photographs.

That’s our dream. That’s why we’re here. That’s the Photo Nights Boston Festival.

Though the final dates haven’t been set, we plan on making that sunset walk a reality in October of 2013. Each night, we’ll project pictures on iconic landmarks downtown, and raise large projection screens to show even more.

We’ll award prizes for the best photos in a number of categories—judged by a panel of photography experts. In addition, we’ll feature work submitted in an open-call, commissioned public works, and pictures from youth participating in Artists for Humanity’s photography program. 

Photography and public art have the power to capture our imagination. Together, they stir our souls and bring us together. The Photo Nights Boston Festival can do just that. All we need is that little spark from you.